VIP Car Rentals Inc

VIP Car Rentals Inc is an independently owned car rental service located in Chicago, Illinois. VIP Car Rentals will provide car rentals to residents of Illinois and visitors of the Chicagoland area who need a vehicle for several days, weeks, or months.


VIP Car Rentals provides a range of vehicles such as sports cars, luxury cars, and economy cars. Through extensive company research, VIP Car Rentals has found a market niche that accommodates both clients that don’t want to rely on public transportation or visitors who don’t want the headache that comes with other commercial car rental agencies. We also provide vehicles for clients that want to rent a luxury vehicle for a few days to use on a special occasion without having to spend a large investment to purchase one of their own.

VIP Car Rentals is an independently owned business and personally handles all client communication and management of the vehicle fleet.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide above and beyond service that meets the satisfaction of our customer needs.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the premier and preferred car rental company in the Chicagoland area and offer service beyond customer satisfaction and demand.

Car Rentals

We will lead our company by defining service excellence and building unmatched customer loyalty and satisfaction.


Make 4 Simple Steps To
Rent a Car!

Make your journey easy. Book a car from VIP Car Rentals in the following way.

Step 1: Date & Location

Select the date and location that fits best for your journey.

Step 3: Check The Availability

Select the date and location and check the availability.

Step 2: Choose A Car

Get the best car of your choice. 

Step 4: Book A Car

Make a payment to book the car.


Who We are

VIP Car Rentals In Chicago

VIP Car Rentals has recognized the need for an independent car rental service in the Chicagoland area. The commercial car rental franchises that rent cars at the airport tend to be expensive along with a shortage of vehicles to meet the demand of the consumers. After having many conversations with friends, family, and associates, they all had the same complaint. They couldn’t find anywhere to rent vehicles when they needed to go on a trip, move something significant, when their car has broken down, or if they just wanted something luxury to drive for a few days. VIP Car Rentals started developing a business plan, did market research, and began formulating a method for creating this car rental business.